Explaining Common Misconceptions About X-Ray Food Inspection
Australia is known for its booming food processing sector. One of the major factors behind this is the emphasis on food diversity, quality, and safety. This calls for the need for stringent food inspection methods. Therefore, more and more companies are incorporating food x-ray inspection equipment. But not everyone might readily accept the idea of using x-rays for food! When a layman hears the term x-ray, the immediate thoughts that come to mind are broken bones or harmful radiation. But thankfully, x-ray food inspection is safe when set guidelines are followed (similar to any other application). Read more about some common misconceptions about x-ray food inspection and their reality. Myth#1 X-ray makes food radioactive. Some people might mistake X-ray radiation for a radioactive source, although this is NOT TRUE! The rays will immediately stop when the x-ray system is turned off. Thus, you don't need to be concerned about radiation while your system is ...